About Us

UBTS is a student-centered seminary

Why we exist:


  1. To form a culture of biblical, missionary, and responsible behavior in the local church.
  2. To develop students according to their potential


What we do:


  1. Theological training
  2. Mentoring
  3. Coaching


How we do it:


  1. Practical application of theology in everything we do.
  2. Innovative methods in creating resource platforms and learning formats.
  3. New initiatives to effectively serve more students.
  4. Opportunities for the development of UBTS graduates. We believe that once a you are a UBTS student, you are always in the UBTS family!
  5. Partnership with like-minded organizations for comprehensive support and development of students and alumni.
  • Values

    Biblical, missional accountable

  • Vision

    Church that grows through baptism and discipleship

  • Mission

    Train servant-leaders for the church

What We Believe

We believe that all the canonical books of the Bible are the divinely inspired and infallible Word of God. It is the ultimate and sufficient authority in matters of faith and life.

We recognize that the Lord’s Supper is a commandment of Jesus Christ for church members to proclaim “the Lord’s death until he comes.”

We believe that Jesus Christ is true God and true man. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary; died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead; ascended into heaven, sat at the right hand of the Father, and became our High Priest and only Intercessor.

We believe that human beings were created by the triune God in His image and likeness and sinless. But because of Satan’s deception and disobedience to God, man sinned and lost fellowship with God. The result was death: spiritual, physical, and eternal.

We recognize that baptism is a commandment of Jesus Christ for those who have believed in Him and experienced the new birth. Such a person, in a baptism of faith, acknowledges Jesus Christ as the Son of God, Lord and Savior, and makes a pledge of loyalty to Him, thus joining the local church.

We recognize that Christ’s Church is the invisible gathering of spiritually born again people, redeemed from among all nations throughout time, who have been joined to the Body of Christ through the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which occurs at the time of the birth from above, and who are in heaven and on earth.

We adhere to the biblical principles of Christian life and ministry.

We believe in the bodily resurrection of the dead, as well as in the eternal bliss of the saved and the eternal punishment of the wicked.

We believe that the Holy Spirit fulfills His ministry on earth: glorifying Jesus Christ, convicting people of their sin, giving new birth to forgiven sinners, indwelling the, and empowering them to live a righteous life and distributing gifts for ministry in the church.

We believe in the One, Living, True, and Eternal God, who has existed from eternity in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and these Three are One God. They are of one essence. To them belongs the same glory.

We are called to:

  • fulfill the great commission of Jesus Christ by spreading the Kingdom of God to the ends of the earth through the preaching of the Gospel
  • to be worthy citizens of our country, obeying its laws, if they do not restrict freedom of conscience and the recognition of faith

We look forward to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ for His Church, during which there will be

the resurrection of the dead in the Lord
the change of those who are still alive
the rapture of the Church to meet the Lord in the clouds

We believe that

  1. salvation of man was accomplished by Jesus Christ, whom God appointed from eternity to be a substitutionary sacrifice as an atonement for our sins
  2. salvation is granted by God exclusively by His grace on the basis of the atonement made by Christ, and not on the basis of human works or merit
  3. salvation is received by faith through repentance from sin and the new birth by the Word of God and the Holy Spirit

We recognize that the local church is a visible gathering of people born from above, living in the same community, united by faith in Jesus Christ on the basis of the Word of God, and continually abiding “in apostolic teaching, brotherly fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer.” The local church is a constituent part of the universal church.

About the Ukrainian Baptist Theological Seminary

To form a culture of biblical, missionary, and accountable living in the local church and to develop the student according to his or her potential. We have come to the conclusion that the success of a seminary is not necessarily measured by what happens in the seminary itself. On the contrary, since the seminary is directly connected to the local church, the success of the seminary is measured by what happens in the church.


UBTS established

Establishment of the Ukrainian Baptist Theological Seminary in Boryslav


First President Appointed

Appointment of I. Romaniuk as first president of the seminary, first enrollment of students in the Bachelor of Theology program


Second Enrollment

The second enrollment of students in the bachelor's program


Enrollment of students for master's degree

Admission of students to the master's program and the first graduation of the "Bachelor of Theology" program


First graduation of the master's program

First graduation of the master's program


Full-time and part-time education programs

The last graduation of the full-time bachelor's program, UBTS transitions to part-time education


UBTS changes its location

The seminary moves to L'viv


New programs created

Appointment of Yaroslav Pyzh as the next president of the seminary, creation of new programs


Educational programs

Today, the Ukrainian Baptist Theological Seminary provides training in the following programs: pastoral ministry, church planting, church ministry development, international mission, mentoring, Christian counseling, and music ministry. A master's program was created under the auspices of the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (USA), a master's program from the TCMI International Institute, and a two-year Young Leaders Development Program, which was extended into a four-year program. In cooperation with Mission Eurasia we operate Youth Bible School, and provide training regularly for the Ukrainian diaspora in the United States.

A master’s program was created under the auspices of the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (USA), a master’s program from the TCMI International Institute, and a two-year program for the development of young leaders, which was extended into a four-year program.

In cooperation with Mission Eurasia we operate Youth Bible School, and provide training regularly for the Ukrainian diaspora in the United States.

Find out more

Alumni community

The UBTS Alumni Community is a resource platform for alumni where you will have the opportunity to: grow and develop after graduation, meet with the UBTS team, be a resource for UBTS students, and find support for your ministries and projects.

You will also be able to audit (in person or online) 2 UBTS sessions per year. These sessions include Marriage and Family, Servant Leader, How to Organize Life, Strategic Planning, Paul’s Ministry, Mentoring and Coaching, Stages of Spiritual Development, Theology 3, Biblical Theology, Growing a Local Church.

Once a student of UBTS – always in the UBTS family!

How to join the Alumni Community? Follow the link to join the telegram channel, where alumni regularly receive all the news, useful online resources and a schedule of events https://t.me/ubtsalumni

Job Opportunities

Currently, there are no open positions at the UBTS. However, you can send your resume to iryna.los@ubts.education and we will contact you if necessary.

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What We Believe


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