
Our Instructors


Ph. D.

Yaroslav Pyzh

Systematic Theology

Дізнатись більше
  • Article: "Justin the Philosopher: points of contact between theology and philosophy in the period of the early Church." Gilea: naukovyi visnik: zbirnik naukovikh 92, no. 1 (2015): 238-43.
  • Article: "Toward a Theology of Culture by Paul Tillich: the problem of demarcating 'sacred' and 'secular.'" Theological Reflections 18 (2017): 82-96.
  • Article: "The Concept of Tradition in the Theology of Vladimir Nikolaevich Lossky." Practical Philosophy: a scientific journal. Charitable organization "Center for Practical Philosophy". G. S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 66 (2017): 117-22.
  • Article: "The Role of Tradition in the Life of the Church According to V. N. Lossky." Theological Reflections 24 (2020): 99-118.
  • Article: "The Correlation between Tradition and Scripture in the Theology of V. N. Lossky. N. Lossky." Gilea: naukovyi vysnik: zbirnik naukovikh pratsy 148, no. 9 (2019): 133-37.
  • Article: "The Concept of Kenosis in the Theological Thought of H.H. Lossky and Archpriest Sergei Bulgakov: A Comparative Critical Analysis." Educational discourse: a collection of scientific papers 23/5 (2020): 101-108.
  • Article: "The idea of tradition in the New Testament: concept, role and function." Scientific Journal "Power and Society (History, Theory, Practice)" 51 no. 3 (2019): 115-23.
  • Article: "The Influence of Western Theology on the Understanding of the Concept of Tradition in Pre-Revolutionary Russian Orthodox Thought." Scientific and Theoretical Journal 6/2 (2020): 88-96.
  • Article: “The Novelty and Uniqueness of Vladimir N. Lossky’s Contribution to the Development of the Tradition-Concept in Eastern Orthodox Theology.” Communio Viatorum 63 no. 1 (2021): 37-58.
  • ">

    Ph. D.

    Eduard Sablon Leiva

    Systematic Theology

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    Th. M.

    Mykola Leliovskyi

    Biblical Theology; OT Survey; OTI Introduction; Bible Exposition

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  • Deputy director of the "Growth and Development of the Local Church"
master's program
  • Pastor of the Ukrainian Bible Church, L'viv
  • Member of the All-Ukrainian Pastor Development Committee at the All-Ukrainian Council of Baptist Churches
  • Education
    • 2023 D. Min. (ABD) Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
    • 2019 MTS Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
    • 2000 B.Th. Kyiv Theological Seminary
    • 2020-present Pastor of the Ukrainian Bible Church, L'viv
    • 2004-2014 Pastor at Calvary Church, Lutsk
    • 2000-2003 Academic Dean at Volyn Regional Bible College

    D.Min. (ABD)

    Oleksandr Savych

    Homiletics; Introduction to pastoral ministry; Overview of pastoral epistles; Mentoring

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  • 2012-2015 Director of the Media Department
  • 2007-2015 Director of the Media Department of the Lviv Regional Association of Baptist Churches
  • 2005-present Instructor of Homiletics
  • Courses Taught
    • Homiletics
    • Bible Exposition

    D. Min. (ABD)

    Oleh Borys

    Homiletics; Overview of pastoral epistles

    Дізнатись більше
    • 2019 MTS Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
    • 1985 BA Trush LUPM
    • 1999 Church ministry certificate Irpin Biblical Seminary
    • 2013-2020 - Academic Dean
    • 2001-present Instructor
    • 2005-2014 Istructor at the Institute for the Training of Church Ministers
    • 1995-present Pastor
    • 1991-1994 Missionary
    • 1986-1991 Artist


    Oleh Bodnar

    Hermeneutics; Homiletics; New Testament Survey

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    Viktor Dubovenko

    Hermeneutics; Intro to World Missions

    Дізнатись більше
    • 2019 MTS Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
    • 2010 Ph.D. National Polytechnic University of Chernihiv
    • 2007 MA Drohobych National Pedagogical University
    • 2005 BA Drohobych National Pedagogical University

    Ph. D.

    Olena Dub

    Introduction to the specialization; Practices of organizational leadership

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